
アジア②/インド 台湾 マレーシア タイ

Royal Enfield、Bajaj Auto、TVS Motor、Hero MotoCorp、Kymco、SYM SANYANG、MODENAS、GPX


インドに拠点を置くRoyal Enfieldは、イギリス発祥のオートバイブランドで、現在はインドを拠点としています。

特にクラシックなスタイルと性能で知られており、最近のモデルでは、2025年モデルのClassic 650が特に注目されています。このモデルは、美しいデザインと快適なエンジンパフォーマンスを提供し、インド国内外で高い評価を得ています。


Bajaj Autoは、インドの大手オートバイメーカーで、幅広いラインアップを持っています。特にスクーターやコンパクトなオートバイで知られており、コストパフォーマンスに優れた製品を提供しています。

Bajaj Autoは、インド国内市場で非常に強いシェアを持っており、海外市場でもその存在感を拡大しています。


TVS Motorは、インドのオートバイメーカーで、高品質な製品と革新的なデザインで知られています。



Hero MotoCorpは、インド最大のオートバイメーカーで、スクーターやコンパクトなオートバイで市場をリードしています。特にコストパフォーマンスに優れた製品を提供し、インド国内市場で非常に強いシェアを持っています。

Hero MotoCorpは、海外市場にも積極的に進出しており、その存在感を拡大しています。






SYM SANYANGは、台湾のオートバイメーカーで、Kymcoと同様にスクーターやコンパクトなオートバイで知られています。SYMの製品は、コストパフォーマンスに優れており、特に都市部での使用に適しています。










Based in India, Royal Enfield is a motorcycle brand that originated in England and is now based in India.
Known especially for its classic style and performance, the 2025 Classic 650 is the most popular model in recent years.
This model offers a beautiful design and comfortable engine performance and is highly regarded in India and abroad.


Bajaj Auto is a leading Indian motorcycle manufacturer with a wide range of products. It is especially known for scooters and compact motorcycles, and offers products with excellent cost performance.
Bajaj Auto has a very strong market share in India and is expanding its presence in overseas markets.


TVS Motor is an Indian motorcycle manufacturer known for its high quality products and innovative designs.
TVS has a wide range of products from scooters to large motorcycles, and is especially highly rated for sports and touring bikes. TVS products are widely accepted in India and abroad.


Hero MotoCorp is India’s largest motorcycle manufacturer, leading the market in scooters and compact motorcycles.
We have a very strong market share in India as we offer products with excellent cost performance.
Hero MotoCorp is expanding its presence in overseas markets.


Kymco is a Taiwanese motorcycle manufacturer known for scooters and compact motorcycles.
Kymco products are high quality and reliable, especially for urban use.
Kymco is widely accepted worldwide and has been successful in many markets.


SYM SANYANG is a Taiwanese motorcycle manufacturer known for scooters and compact motorcycles like Kymco.
SYM products offer excellent value for money, especially in urban areas.
SYM is widely accepted worldwide and successful in many markets.


Malaysia-based MODENAS is an Italian motorcycle manufacturer known for its classic style and high-quality products. MODENAS products are particularly popular in the European market, attracting many enthusiasts for their beautiful designs and reliable performance.


Based in Thailand, GPX is a Spanish motorcycle manufacturer known for its classic style and high-quality products.
GPX products are particularly popular in the European market, attracting many enthusiasts for their beautiful designs and reliable performance.

Posted by 夏木 陽